Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Refreshing Rain

I got out early (after lunch... About 1 o'clock), and caught a ride with another FSA who was going to the gym on base. I had never been to the gym, but now that I have a bee in my bonnet about working out, I thought it a golden opportunity. We were both feeling a little frazzled by the time we took off. Although we had gone over to the ship for sweepers before lunch, we were sent back up those sixty steps of the drydock to sweep one little passageway. It really wasn't much, but we were very tired from lunch (as always) and had already imagined getting off promptly after the meal. So we felt good to be leaving when we did. I had planned on swimming, but I found out they close it everyday at 1. So I did cardio on a bike and took a quick shower while the guys lifted weights. I did some pushups again, and found out my weight isn't as good as I thought. On the way back to the barge, I directed us to a Chinese buffet using my phone which was the unanimous choice for dinner. Loved the snow crab legs! But when I finally felt really relaxed was when I returned to the car while everyone else walked on to the barge. I had misplaced my cell phone, and it was starting to rain hard. Found the phone in the back seat and decided to wait out the now pelting rain sitting in the backseat with my legs propped, reading Lord Peter Wimsey. Finished the chapter and the rain stopped. Felt like a new person as I walked back to the Navy. I think it was the clean air. Jw

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