Thursday, June 7, 2012

Days To Say Goodbyes

Wednesday afternoon I finished up Chipotle leftovers for lunch, then headed out to Kristin and Andy's to watch The Princess Diaries and ...Part 2, for an afternoon of fun. We've watched Mary Poppins and Sound of Music a month or so ago, so this was a nice finish. It was something we talked about doing a while ago. Had juice and popcorn while we watched, then we visited a little while before we had to say goodbye. Stopped at Ricky's Restaurant one last time on the way home... It has become a favorite. Delicious chicken with rice, veggies and a couple cups of decaf. Read a chapter or two of Mere Christianity... the book I can no longer read with my young adult group in person. But I am certainly going to finish it again. :) Stopped at the library to see if they needed anything. Got sidetracked by the Friend's Book Sale... found a couple mystery books I'd like to read for 50 cents each. Helped Pam and Christine set up the community room, then confirmed I'd come back again today.

Today I've been packing up a storm. First phase, in the morning, I filled up my bags in my room... and it was difficult to navigate. Around noonish I went to Ace Hardware at Liberty Station to exchange something I bought a while ago for a needle-nose pliers... in case any disc gets stuck in my CD player again. Then I had a half-sandwich at Con Pane before dropping off the couple bags of things for Goodwill. Then I went to the library one last time. Re-shelved all the audio and VHS for a couple hours before it was time for Christine to take me out to our arranged early dinner. Aida offered to print me a Letter of Appreciation, detailing my 162 hours! that I've worked since February last year. It's a lot!

Then I hugged her and Pam goodbye, and Christine got off early to take me to Point Loma Seafoods... apparently a very famous cafe that I've somehow missed going to until now. And it was delicious! I had a scallop sandwich... that was huge! We shared a shrimp cocktail, and afterwords, she took me to her friend's confectionery, down the street on Scott St... The Elegant Truffle... where we had a couple free samples and she bought me a delicious piece of white coconut cake. We talked a lot about traveling, and our common interest in trying different foods. She drove me back to my car at the library, and we said our goodbyes.

Back at home I am nearly all packed. Cleaned off my bike... put most of the stuff in the car... and will cram the rest in sometime tomorrow. I wonder when they will let me leave.


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