Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Last Two Nights

Went out for dinner last night... had Rubio's again. Then I returned "War Horse", refiled a handful of audio books and the dozen or so dvds that had been taken off the shelves, but left. Since listening to "King of the Wind" the other day, I decided I wanted to read "Misty of Chincoteague". It would be good, especially if I get stationed in Norfolk.

Talked with Meg, and Mom & Dad when I got back home... can't wait for Christmas!

Tonight I stayed at home, made shell-noodle, white MAC'n cheese, along with the filet of sole with spinach from Trader Joe's. Watched a movie with my landlady that she had on TV... "The Matchmaker" from 1987.... it was an interesting little romance. We talked a while longer while I made myself some nachoes.

I've just about finished reading "Misty"... it's such a fun little book. It's a classic library edition too. The kind I remember my sister reading all the time when we were small. They have the rest of the books too... :)



Linda said...
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Linda said...

O you must read all the Marguerite Henry you can find. KING OF THE WIND and MISTY are the best, but all the others are wonderful, too, except her last two, which weren't as magical. Did you get the one with the Wesley Dennis illustrations? His are so beautiful! I even have several Henry books that are out of print, like BENJAMIN WEST AND HIS CAT GRIMALKIN. I need to hunt up a copy of ALWAYS REDDY someday (it's about an Irish setter).

niferjen said...

Yes, they are the ones with the Wesley Dennis illustrations... I wouldn't want to read any other! :)