Saturday, November 5, 2011

Random, Last Minute Fun

I thought I was going to help at a food bank, Friday evening, but they had some sort of emergency and we were all left high and dry (although it was raining quite a bit). So the couple I was riding with invited me to join them as they went out to a movie. We drove back south and saw "50/50" at Mission Valley Mall. It's based on a true story of a young man that had non-responsive cancer on his spine... and how he and his friends and family went through it. It was set in Seattle, so I enjoyed it for many reasons. :) A refreshing comedy/drama of the kind you don't see in theaters very much.

I had had Panera for dinner beforehand, and I enjoyed some popcorn and a lemonade during the film. Stopped at Starbucks across from the base for a cup of hot chocolate, talked to Mike and ended up helping someone from Subway jump their car. Ironically, my phone ran out of batteries soon after. :)

Today, I went for a two-and-a-half hour nature walk in Tecolote Canyon Natural Park, just 3 miles from where I now live. It's due east of Mission Bay (Sea World) and right off of I-5. There are nice wide trails, lovely plants, and lots of birds. They were especially loud and active after the great big rain we had. The first thing I noticed was a perched hummingbird, making its chirping sound. I walked two side trails off the main road, and even tried running up the steep part near where I turned around. Another neat side note, a couple got engaged at the top of the hill. Only found out while we were all returning. She kept holding up a big diamond to admire it in the bright sunlight, and she mentioned a few times about how she never imagined she'd be getting engaged when she was sweaty. I looked at my own ring a few times. :) Check out the FB album here.

Directly afterwords I worked at the library for an hour-and-a-half. Took care of all the mystery and graphic novels. Then I checked out a Mexican restaurant just a few steps from my house. "Tio Carlos" ... chicken enchilada and guacamole for the chips. Mmm. Kept up with the Oklahoma game as I ate. :)

Kept walking from there to Target for some cheese, and a few other things, including a pretty leather belt to keep my jeans in place, some nice hiking shoes and a useful purse.

Chat tonight is neat... we're talking about destroyers. I'm finally doing my laundry... I'll have clean blue shirts for work this week. :)

I'm a little sad. Just found out this morning that today is the final game in Husky Stadium before they replace it. The Apple Cup this year is in the stupid pro stadium downtown... and there is no Alumni Band for it, even. And the last game tonight is against stupid, stupid Oregon. Boo! So not only should our team be riled up to play against a ranked team, and on the day after the school's 150th anniversary, but it is the very last game with the old traditions... they are taking out the track and moving the band from the 50 yd line to the endzone... normally regulated for visiting teams, in order to make more money on premium tickets. Ugg.

I would probably cry if I was at the game tonight... but I wish I was there.


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