Sunday, November 6, 2011

Horsing Around Again

Last night I was messaged on FB by a friend from boot camp, Laramie Mills. I invited her to church the next morning, and after a moment's thought, to go horseback riding after that. It had been on my mind since coming out here, to go for a trail ride. So I googled it quick and came up with a ranch just 20 minutes northeast from church. Set it up... and it all worked out, even with the bit of rain we had.

Church was really good. Andy, my small group leader (and also the youth pastor), was filling in for Pastor Carl who was at the men's retreat. It was more on the theme from the book we're reading... Truth and lies about the Bible and the gospel. It was very good, and I was glad of Laramie's company, as well as Charly and David who came by themselves and sat in front of us (who I had introduced to this church a couple months ago). And this was "celebration Sunday" meaning a small group fixed a lot of food for the whole church to enjoy after the service; they do it every few months. It was chili (with cheddar cheese and raw onions) along with a wonderful mixed greens salad (avocado hunks provided as well as cherry tomatoes and dressing).

It started to rain while we ate, and I was even more concerned as we sat in the football traffic, trying to get back on the freeway. But I needn't have worried! It stopped when we got further out, and only sprinkled a bit at the beginning and very end of the ride. I was on a lovely bay lady named "Motown" and rode behind the guide's feisty paint, and Laramie's slow-poke who trotted every now and then to keep up. The trail followed a dry riverbed and was interesting and easy to ride. A few flat places and we were able to do a little trot... and Motown's version of a trot was a very short canter... lol. She did it right sometimes too. Poor thing was nearly 20 years old and blind in her right eye. And for all that, she did a wonderful job. Responded wonderfully to leg directions and was a lively, brisk walker, sometimes pulling ahead of the guide in wide places. I loved the view of the hills with boulders (southern cal's mountains), and the dozen or so cottontail bunnies darting and hiding, and the little birds. I'd say it was a resounding success. And I was able to take a few pictures on my phone...

After dropping Laramie back on base, I decided to go to the library. I noticed a blanket donation yesterday, when I volunteered, and picked one up at Target. Dropped it off in the barrel, then did an hour taking care of the DVDs. And I found 3 for myself to check out: a Bogie/Bacall, a masterpiece "Northanger Abbey" and "An Education" (2009, nominated for best picture).

And as I had hoped I would, I was able to chat for a long time with Mom & Dad, and later Julie! I really should call people more often. It's so encouraging!

Then I stopped by Trader Joe's for their seasonal spiced apple cider to contribute to the small group meeting. We all had a lovely time visiting, eating very tender bbq chicken breast and a rice & broccoli casserole, and then reading a few short chapters in "Naked Gospel". It took some time for people to wrap their heads around the purpose of the law to "make sin abound" as Paul wrote. Hey! Even Peter wrote that Paul's epistles were hard to understand. :) And I loved Andy & Kristin's apartment! Very cozy, with plenty of room for us all. I saw Jupiter, big and bright as I drove I-8E on the way there. When I got home, it and the moon were directly overhead. :)

The chat with my Darling was especially wonderful. He is going through a series of messages on giving, and he was told some off-base things concerning "tithing"... and it so happened that the same topic was in one of the chapters we read tonight! How the Lord provides! And we finished the book of Proverbs with the last chapter... and he was so sweet to me!


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