Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cleaning House

Yesterday I didn't do much. I was tired and a little downcast all day long. I had stayed up too late for the third time in a row and had a tiring dream on top of it. Loved the rain outside though. Walked the dog in the cool freshness that always follows and that helped me feel better. And for some evening fun with the parents, we watched "Hail the Conquering Hero" from 1944... and we all loved it. Very cute!

Today I procrastinated on my WENN presentation (LOL! at least it's not too complicated!) by going through the rest of the drawers in my room and clearing a bunch of stuff out. I'm being pretty ruthless, but not to a point where I don't have anything left. Somehow, there's more floor space and everything is a lot more organized. :)

And this was all before today's Navy meeting.

As for the rest of the night, I'm planning on walking the dog under our partly-cloudy, pink sky... and I might even convince myself to do some conglomeration of exercises.


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