Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Days

Maybe I should make myself an appointment to talk about each day instead of doing these gloms of days in one post... what do you think? is it annoying to read three days in one (on average)? LOL

Well Sunday was really fun! I ended up going to church again, because I've been thinking I should lately (it's something that I haven't quite figured out yet, if it's very important to me or not). The Bible says that we're supposed to "fellowship" with other believers in order to stir each other on to love and good works. It also says things about singing songs to the Lord... but it isn't really clearly defined that I should go to the specific kind of meeting that is today's modern church service. Hmm. Well... it's been turning around in my mind. We'll see if anything changes it by the end of my study on worship.

After lunch on Sunday with the family, we stuck in that episode of Dick Van Dyke with the guy from the last Thin Man movie. Max the Mobster... or whatever that was. So funny! And after that, I was invited over to Jason's house with Meg & Jason for his birthday dinner with his family. I helped his mother make the stir fry... which was very large and fun. The whole evening was very nice, indeed.

But then I did something rather ridiculous. I got on Facebook that night and I didn't get off until quite a bit later the next morning. Yeah, stupid! Except I had a lot of fun doing my annual log-in as the 3 fictional characters I made profiles for. And I talked with my friend from Australia... and I stayed up way too late. And that really affected the rest of Monday and some of today. Thank the Lord we only have 8 hour workdays this week because of the holiday.

Ooooh. The final set of my books got done on Monday though... that was really nice. I've only been working on this program all year long. So my desk is about to undergo a major clean sweep. :) Oh, and I finally remembered to actually purchase the tickets for my mom and I to see my grandparents in February. I was "going to do it right now" for a few days.

Today wasn't much of anything... except lots of cleaning up the desk (with lots more on the way) and being a little late for work again. We watched "Shadow of the Thin Man" tonight. And besides the dopey things they threw in there about their little kid, it was very fun.

And I am going to hit the sack right now! Wow! 9:30! I might just make it in the morning! How blessed I am... only 6 hours tomorrow and then four and a half days off!


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