Saturday, November 14, 2009

And So On

Thursday wasn't too bad. I did stay through lunch, but I could barely tell. One of our customers brought in a tray of crackers, humus, cheese and salami. And let me tell you, that felt really good at 9 and 10 o'clock. Normally I don't eat breakfast, but that morning I did have a couple blueberry muffins that mom had made the night before. For some reason, eating in the morning makes me hungrier in the later morning. But this wasn't all... one of the main programs had a special lunch for engineers, and one of the quality people came in and invited all us ladies to partake. Wow! It was very good lasagna, garlic bread, fresh, crisp Caesar salad and a very light lemon cake. I probably ate more at work than I would have at home!

I did end up getting through 3 of those huge books all in one day! And I only stayed 3/4 of an hour past quitting time. And when I got home, after leftovers for dinner, we watched the next installment of Foyle's War... all about Communists, embezzlement, stealing and murder in 1941 England. Very exciting.

Now yesterday, Friday, I did make it to Jazzercise again. But it always is hard to get up so early on a day when I don't have to start until 8. Although this allows me time to go back home to freshen up and eat breakfast before work, and I love that even more. When I got to work I hardly knew what to do with myself because all my books were finally all together and my customer wasn't going to be there til Monday. I wanted to crash and fall asleep, but my working so hard all week trained me to keep going even when my head wasn't in it. I ended up going through all sorts of things that had been put off.

After that abbreviated bit of work I came home and my parents wanted to go out to Chinese! I love it when that happens! I had Moo Goo Gui Pan (bok choy, other veggies and chicken) and Sweet and Sour Pork... and egg flower soup and pork fried rice. Yum! Talk about an eating spree this week! Right when we got home I had to take off for a meeting with my recruiter. I thought we'd be doing a workout, but he wasn't there... he was resting from unforeseen complications to his spleen surgery. But the Recruiter in charge was there, so we went over some things for my qualification standards (PQS) while in the program. We talked about A-school... Hey! They allow you to have your own car there!... and general boot camp stuff... about the mind game they play with you there and why. I was also able to recite the 11 general orders of a sentry that I had learned with Mom helping me on Wednesday night. I learn much faster listening to something and repeating it rather than reading.

I went for a run after this and then went to the store to get the Bible on CD... which is good for somebody like me who doesn't love reading every single day... and good since it would be great on an mp3 player when I'm bored to death cleaning something in the Navy. I hear they have to clean things a lot.

Gosh, Monk was good! I was worried the whole time they were going to wreck the Captain's heart *again*, and I was about going to kill someone if they did... but they didn't! :) I loved Monk getting so excited about being Best Man. Gee! Only three more episodes left for all time! :( I'm glad they are taking care of the characters first.


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