Friday, January 30, 2009

Class N' Things

I don't mind being inspired every Thrusday night. Class is so darn fun!

Thursdays this quarter are all about discussing what photography is and thinking about our perspectives of the world and how we see. I left work early again in order to print (success!). Converting my raw photos Wednesday night worked! It's making sense now!

Last night we watched a short interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson, the very, very famous French photographer. He was very counter-cultural... he never accepted awards and scorned public attention. He thought that fame was for the actors and politicians - not for artist photographers. He believed in capturing the moment, so he went out where "moments" would happen. He was simple. He never thought of photography as his work, but as his "hard pleasure". Most students of photography start with his books. He lived to be 96 years old.

This is the documentary on Annie Leibovitz that I watched on the plane going to China in August. We watched the very same thing in class last night... and it was so cool to see it again after going through the first quarter of photography. She's amazing.

So as I walked out of the art building, I took more pictures...
(I'll never stop :)


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