Saturday, July 12, 2008

Whales and Tales

I hope I can blog when I'm in China. I'm not going to bring my laptop because I think it's a little too risky. They will have computers available, but I don't know if I'll have much time. I'll try...

I've been listening to Moby Dick at work these last couple days. It's such a long book, I've been taking breaks between groups of chapters. I'm on chapter 103 at the present time. Ahab has finally found a sea captain that had seen the white whale! I just love it! It's a combination of marine biology, philosophy, history, religion, and fiction! What a mammoth work! What a contribution to science and literature! Herman Melville was definitely a literary genius. And it's a great way to get through a long workday as well.

Yesterday, after work, I went with a friend to Discovery Park in West Seattle. We got lost because they don't mark the roads very well and we ended up at the Indian Cultural Center. After asking directions there, we finally found the visitor's center in time to buy a map before we had to go meet a friend for dinner. It was a bright sunny day, something that we, in Seattle, are not used to. Most of our days are partly cloudy. I think that's the reason that I-5 was so backed up; becuase everyone realized at the same time: "It's bright sunshine outside... and it's the weekend!" So, we're going to go back another time to walk the trails and see the Olympic Mountains from across the Puget Sound at the tip of the park by the lighthouse. The park has quite the history. Back in the days of World War I and II, it was all part of Fort Lawton. The 70th Infantry Division still has US Army Reserve sites at the park, but they are isolated, for a very good reason, I'm sure.

Anyway, after picking up another friend at the UW medical center (she is doing grad school in Physical Therepy), I backed into a parked Jeep. Thank the Lord that the driver was a nice person! There was no damage, but you never know with some people. We then went to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory in Lynnwood and then saw Kung Fu Panda for a few laughs. (the plot line was slightly predictable, but overall it was enjoyable)

Until Next Time,

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