Sunday, October 16, 2011


Friday! I volunteered at the library for a couple hours. When I walked in, I was immediately tasked with cutting out Hold Slips with their long-blade paper-cutter. Got a bit over half done, clipping 300 of them. (Saturday I volunteered again, finishing the remaining 225 (7 bundles of 75 in total).

Then I gave my friend Matt I ride up north to pick up his new motorcycle suit, and then he treated me out to dinner at Chipotle for taking the time (and spending the gas). Went straight to the small group at the Presbyterian church after dropping him off. Another fine night with friends.

I had picked up two films at the library that I had on order... North by Northwest and On the Town. So I stayed up really late and watched the former even after talking with my darling, Michael. What a film! I had seen it so long ago that I forgot how it all went. I knew about the crop duster and Mt. Rushmore, but I didn't know how.

Saturday morning I used the drive-through at McDonald's for some oatmeal, yogurt and an OJ. Went right to the library, and after I was done with the paper-cutting, I finished all the regular fiction. This was perfect timing... once I finished that, it was just after one, and just time to get over to the Old Globe for their afternoon performance of "Somewhere"... a semi-autobiographical play about real Puerto Ricans in NYC around the time that West Side Story came out. The father was gone and the three kids were trying to either get in the movies or keep the family running. The mother was a bit idealistic and didn't want to leave, even when a wrecking ball was swinging to make way for a cultural arts center. Good story, good play!

And then "To Catch a Thief" (Cary Grant, 1955) - for my 2nd Cary movie in two nights - was playing on the big screen in the Gaslamp district. I had some Mexican food at a place with very slow service... but that was alright since it was a couple hours away from the start time of 7pm. Boy, was it fun to watch that so large! And with lots of other people who like it too. :)

Sunday morning I went straight to church. After service was over, Andy, the youth pastor and music leader, invited me to his small group meeting that night. He had asked before at other times, and this time I finally said I'd come. Good thing too! We're reading a very interesting book (The Naked Gospel) and I met some very nice people... a couple girls and another couple besides Andy and his wife. They had bison burgers waiting for us when I got there and we had a lovely time chatting and discussing the first part of the book that we read right there.

Between service in the morning and small group at night, I stopped in Liberty Station for lunch at Con Pane and shopped at a children's book store called "The Yellow Book Road". Other than that I straightened up my closet... and that's about it.

On the way back from the small group, I stopped at Denny's for the breakfast I never had today. The waitress was again disdainful of how healthy it was. So silly... what's wrong with oatmeal? :)

God is so good to me... all the time. :)

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