Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evening With Friends

Got off early from work in anticipation of the holiday weekend (including Friday and Monday off!). Went to the library to renew some things and relax... found a kid's book that was fun. Part of a series called Animal Ark Books... called Duckling Diary. Soon it got to be time to get the hotdogs at the grocery across the street. (Felt like deja vu! just the day before I had volunteered, got some groceries for myself and tried a new Mexican cafe ...before coming back to base and watching Dial M for Murder... but I'm just catching up.)

From there I got the hotdogs and buns and kept going on Nimitz to Witte's house. She was having a get-together for fun. We watched Iron Man 2 as we ate, then went swimming in the apartment complex's pool. After some splashing, racing and goofing around, we had enough and returned to the apartment for som'ores and a bunch of youtube videos. It was a very nice evening with my friends.


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