Saturday, May 7, 2011

From Busy to Burned Out

Monday evening (the 2nd) I went to the Padre's game after an hour of open study. So I didn't get there until the 5th inning. It wasn't something I was planning... at dinner (4:30 pm) I heard people talking about free tickets for the military (turned out it was because of Bin Laden's death - which is a little odd. Boy, am I sick of that news, already. Thank you, CNN). But I had a great time. Had a chili dog, ran into a friend from the Kingsgate Monarchs Swim Team (wow!) as I was waiting to get to my free, 1st level, $45 seat along the first base line. She ended up sitting just three rows in front of me! And as I sat down, the Padre's finally put points on the board with a two-run home-run. They ended up losing 4-3 to the Pittsburgh Pirates... and I was very tired when I got back to base around 11:30pm.

That night I resolved to take it easier the next evening, but as I walked back to the barracks, I remembered that the cinema downtown was having a special showing of 'Glory' (1989) at 7pm. It turned out not being quite as late... and it was a lot of fun. It was especially meaningful for me to watch, since our new RDC in boot camp, Chief Nelson, had us sing the song (from the night before they fight the final big battle) and speak encouragements to each other when we were getting ready to head off to Battle Stations. Out of all the memorable moments from boot camp, that had to be one of my favorites. We even sang it on our march to Battle Stations. :)

I thought I wouldn't need to go to Open Study on Wednesday night, but a shipmate from class failed the test and needed help. Thursday night I went out with a friend from class... and it was fun, but I think I did too much this week. Very busy and very tired! So when class ended yesterday, I took a brief nap, prayed, watched The Sound of Music, and then went out for a quick dinner at the local seafood cafe in Liberty Station... and then for a free brownie at Panera, along with some hot Earl Grey tea for a perfect after dinner treat. The Lord refreshed me with reading from his Word.


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