Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stopped to Notice

After noticing I've posted 650 times, and after looking at all the pictures I've ever posted by clicking on the label below the last post, I've done a little inventorying and tidying. Some labels said "pictures" and others "picture"... some said "trips" and others "trip"... etc. So I fixed them all, then linked those searches under "Other Blogs" for quick reference. They are the more interesting ones anyway.

In wandering around, I clicked on the "Stats" tab in editing mode and found I have had visitors from nine countries around the world (not including the US), all in the last year! Welcome, viewers! I had no idea!

Also, from 2008 there's the "where-I've-been" map... So I tried it out again...

You can probably tell what's included on my list of places to see someday... :)

Thanks for reading,


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