Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sharing WENN

It went really well! I was able to share two episodes, "On the Air" and "A Rock and a Soft Place". Started out sharing a few words about why the show was important and after the episode, a few more about the show in general. Unfortunately, they record these meetings, so I can't pretend that I did this flawlessly... :) They had a big screen available for the viewing, and the sound came through wonderfully. I sat at the table up front with a mike and one of the club officers interviewed me a little like at conventions. After the pilot, the club "radio historian" was asked to comment (he owns a set himself), and shared how it did and did not imitate real radio stations. Also mentioned how the show has an aspect of sadness underneath, since little stations like WENN were all but gone by 1949. He loved Mackie the most and mentioned how Chris Murney's acting was brilliant.

It was a bunch of fun. If you haven't heard me say it before, this was a regular monthly meeting of the Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound. It was my first meeting, although I've been to 2 of their showcase specials. They were very welcoming, and it was a good thing there were only about thirty people (half their usual crowd, due to the holiday) as this was my very first public speaking experience outside the classroom. And lots of people hadn't ever seen the show before, including the club president. I handed out a sheet with links to Linda's site and the episodes that Erich put up, so that people could see the rest of the show. What neat things to be able to share! Thanks!

It was very satisfying to hear people enjoying the episodes... there were lots of laughs. People seemed to love Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Foley the most.

Meg came along to support me... and I was so glad Jason and her were there, even if they did take pictures of me. :)


From the REPS website:


"Remember Wenn" aired on AMC in the late 1990s for four seasons. The show was a whimsical look at life behind the scenes at station WENN broadcasting during the golden age of radio. The series had satirical soap opera element when behind the mike and featured a fascinating look at live radio production of the day with versatile radio actors and a sound effects man among the regular characters.
See an episode of the show followed by series information and anecdotes presented by Jennifer Payne.

Next Monthly Meeting Saturday, September 4th 2-4pm
Norse Home Social Hall

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