Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't Quite Know

I didn't know what I wanted to do today after work. I spent a lot of time just sitting in the living room with my parents, talking and having quiet. I posted pictures from the trip on Facebook, played a game with Dad and Meg, read a book for a little bit, but generally felt like doing nothing at all. It took a bunch of time to figure out what to eat for dinner... So often I don't feel like doing anything when I have the time, and when I don't have the time, I do. Oh, what will I do?

I didn't remember that Mr. Goldstein was on the chat a while ago... how I wish I had! Reading his story, it sounds like he was simply a wonderful person. I had a beloved "Mr. G" for a high school band director myself... so that made everything rather poignant. And after reading Linda's WENNlist post, I get on Facebook and find to my joy that Ms. Naughton had replied to me about my Casablanca question. I think I'll wait til tomorrow to pass on what she said. So I went from feeling quite sad to laughing out loud, she was so hysterically funny. And I didn't quite know how to feel.

Dad keeps asking to watch one of my "oldies", so tonight we put on "The Whole Town's Talking" (1935) and we were treated to lots of comments about Aunt Agatha. :)

I'm going to try and sleep; I think I am tired.

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