Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just a Few Notes

So far this week, it's been crystal clear and very nippy and cold out.
Not a cloud in the sky... what a change from last week! I can see Jupiter from my room, right now... "here's lookin' at ya." :)
And houses have started to spring Christmas lights here and there. Welcome to December!

On Monday night, Mom & Dad and I watched "The Pride of the Marines" from 1945. It was a bio piece on a guy who was wounded at Guadalcanal... and it was very good! It turns out that his sweetheart (who was very sweet and cute indeed) later stared in The Sound of Music as the Baroness! Couldn't believe it! and she was so nice... :)

It was really weird being back at work... I thought a lot about the Navy; and my recruiter called to catch up that evening. He is pretty much all healed up from his spleen surgery, so that's good to know. We have our monthly group meeting tomorrow night... even though they're rather boring, I'm looking forward to it.

I came down with a little head cold last night, and today has been pretty runny. The cold medicine does help keep the runny down though. Thank goodness for that!

It's abnormally early to bed for me tonight!

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