Monday, January 12, 2009

Yesterday Morning

Before I was suddenly crushed with the reality of my brother leaving, I had a lovely day. I spent it all with my very good friend who has to leave on Thursday to go back to school (in Florida, of all places). We went to her church together, and then changed and spent the rest of the day hiking all around Discovery Park in Seattle. I had never hiked the trails before, and my! it is lovely. We deviated from the main loop trail to the south beach trail and walked along the point of the peninsula. We took nearly three hours in the afternoon hiking around. It was pretty tiring walk, and we were very glad of my canteen and the map I had picked up before.

Discovery Park used to be the home of Fort Lawton, a turn of the century fort. And there are still active military grounds on the peninsula... a military housing area and a current reserve unit. Those places were, of course, off limits.

As of right now, I'm feeling a little sad still, but I wouldn't call it depressed. I'm also still slightly angry at something, but I don't know what. Thank the Lord for his love for us! What a comfort he is.


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