Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here I am

sitting on my bed in my hotel, ready to run off to see Sea World soon.

The trip was uneventful for the most part. While waiting for my plane in Seattle, the very first person that de-boarded it shouted out "I'm here!" into his Bluetooth when he entered the waiting area. The place is rather open and silent, so it was quite funny to suddenly hear such a declaration. A few other people laughed about him as well as I when he had left.

I was quite wiped out when I actually got on the plane. After working for a moment on my fanfiction, and then reading a little of Julius Caesar, I fell asleep before we took off and didn't awaken until they were serving us crackers from our cruising altitude. It was the first time I had slept through a takeoff. It is one of my favorite parts about flying, so that was too bad.

The gentleman next to me asked me if I was studying for school or reading for pleasure, since I was reading Shakespeare and writing notes. It is so much more pleasureful to read if it's something you're really interested in. I don't miss that part of school very much either. But I have a read shocking little of Shakespeare, only the Tempest (for school) and Hamlet for fun, so I am trying to go through it, and so far I well understand why people have been reading it for centuries. I am grossly undereducated for a graduate of a university, but I suppose it's what you put into it, and anyone can continue their education at any time. Good thing!

My hotel is clean and comfortable, although it's not in the nicest of neighborhoods. Let's just say I was thankful for the bolt on my first floor door. There is way too much noise as well; somebody nearby took a shower at 4:30am and I woke up then and a few times after it. Ah, well. Good thing I didn't come here to stay in this hotel. I'm off to see the wizard!


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