Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday is Sunny

I'm not really used to all this heat, but I guess it is good for mildly adjusting to what it will be like in China. I hope I don't pass out when I get there. They say to drink tons of water even before you go so that you start out hydrated. Uh-oh...

I had a lovely time this afternoon, watching some Monk with my friend, and then starting reading 'Mere Christianity' with her. I haven't read it myself yet, and so far it is awesome! He starts out describing the Law of Nature and gives strikingly original examples for his arguments. Gosh, I love C.S. Lewis!

We watched "Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink", because of the stages of grief scene. What hilarity! Oh, my! I remember when I first watched it, I had freshly come out of a period of grieving... It is so clever! and well done! I love Monk.

I'm off to go house-sit for my friend... I almost forgot that it started tonight. EEEK. that would have been bad if I didn't remember.

Until next time,

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