Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Random Rant

I received an email today from a stranger, because of my blog!
For whatever purpose, this person went into an unprovoked outline and defense of Theistic Evolution. This person was probably trying to impress me... I think.

Now, Theistic Evolution (the idea that God used macro-evolution to create the world) is one of those "certain topics" that I'm loud spoken about. So in case this person sees this, and also to make more clearly known what I believe... I will try and say it clearly. Where to start.... hmm.

Let's just say that the theories of Creation and Evolution are in no way compatible. The Bible clearly says that God created the world in six, regular, 24-hour days; and it was perfect. Man, then given his own choice, decided to disobey God and caused the world to be cursed with death and disease. This is because the punishment for sin is death.

If God used macro-evolution to create the world, he would have had to use billions of years of death and disease, as is found in the fossil record. God would be pretty horrible to call death and cancer "good" or "perfect". Not only that, but there would be no reason for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins if death (the punishment for sin) was already a part of the natural "good" world that God made - before anyone sinned. No! Death is something that God had to save us from, because we are stuck in it. We have each chosen to go our own way, rejecting what God says. But God, in his mercy, provides a way out from our just punishment for our rebellion if we just believe him.

I have wandered from my original plan. I just get so excited about this! LOL!

As far as I can tell, it seems ridiculous to believe that God used evolution. There is an astronomical amount of evidence against this idea.

It seems to me that this theory was brought about by people who want to believe the Bible, but also don't want to consider the consequences of doing so, which would lead them to challenge the current paradigm in the scientific community.

I guess you gotta either believe what God said he did, or not.

That said, I believe that a thinking, scientifically-minded person can look at the evidence before them and believe either theory. I think that the Bible's account makes more sense and requires less faith.

Please believe what you want; but it would be wise to pick either one or the other.

1 comment:

niferjen said...


I notice, now, that it sounds like to believe God, one has to reject the fossil record. This is not what I meant. I meant to express only that death and cancer are recorded in the fossil record, not that the rocks/fossils are necessarily billions/millions of years old.

The Bible also mentions what is known as the 'Genesis Flood'. This was a worldwide flood that shaped the earth's present geology. This can make's the Biblical account coincide with what we observe today. (Billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, layed down by water, all over the world.)
