Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Beautiful Gray Day

Getting out of bed was very similar to yesterday morning. I went to sleep rather late last night, and my roommate still wasn't back. One wonders how much sleep she gets... :)

Went directly to church... did not pass go, did not collect breakfast first. But that was alright... it was a special Sunday where they were serving free pancakes & sausages afterwords. :) There wasn't a sermon either... there was a short children's musical about the tale of the three trees. I met up with a couple of the people from my small group and visited for a bit after everything was all over.

Across the street, I read a bit in the book about the OSS, then used all the hours the library was open attacking the CD's from yesterday. Final victory was achieved in the end. And as I was trying to put all the dvd's away, I helped a lady find the musicals section and she went away happy.

On my way back, I decided I'd really enjoy some ravioli at the Olive Garden. It was just what I wanted. In the car I played a couple of the C.S. Lewis lectures that had to do with "The Discarded Image" and the beginning of the Space Trilogy. Very fun indeed! It would take me about an hour to try and explain here how enlightening his thoughts were... I enjoyed it very much.

Just another wonderfully simple Sunday!


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