Monday, June 22, 2009

Tired, Mired

Well then, my brother ships back to southern California early tomorrow morning. So much of what went on this weekend rightfully had to do with him. His best friend's family came over on Saturday for dinner, and yesterday, family came over to visit.

Most of my time, besides being at these functions, was spent either cleaning the kitchen (on Saturday) or sitting around, watching MASH. I've been feeling pretty drained for quite a while... this is either from me staying up late-ish (past one) three nights in a row or it's from me finally calming down from months and months of being on the go all the time. Maybe both. Anyway, Saturday night's adjusted schedule worked very well, and helped, I think.

I certainly did my part to help myself by sleeping in late Saturday morning, but I think I'm getting sick anyway. And then I'm hard on myself for feeling unproductive... um, chill out. LOL


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